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Tracy's Secret

A mother, who had just given birth to her third child, all sons, decides to get pregnant for the last time. Why, you say? That's because her husband has been obsessing over having a beautiful daughter that resembled her. He even named her Tracy, and had been collecting clothes for girls from others, some for a 7-year-old. Unfortunately, a blind obsession usually never works out as planned.

and that's how Tracy was born, the last of four sons. Ridiculed in childhood for having a feminine name, Tracy in turn had no trouble growing up wearing skirt until he was 7 years old.

Then something happened that completely changed his previously-feminine lifestyle. He had a crush on this girl he hung out with often, only to find her mocking him for wearing a skirt. Since then, he had decided to abandon everything feminine and decided to embrace his newfound manhood as much as possible. His ambiguous name, however, still caused lots of namecalling.
To combat that, Tracy decided to act more masculine than every before.

His 20's were the result of his "hard work".
He had grown a beard from a very young age, and instead of speaking in a civilized manner, he decided to use street-tough language to further enhance his manhood.
He trained himself by cutting trees, and he tried really hard to also develop his hunting and battling skills.

And...that's how he spent his 20's. And 30's...
The only source of comfort for him may be that the very girl that chastised Tracy for wearing a skirt is now his wife...

Having just reached 40, it may be a case of tragedy to have a younger sister (8 years apart to be exact).
Maybe that's why he's still annoyed when someone makes fun of his name.

Seeing that he uses feminine expressions from time to time in his letters, however, I may have to assume that he actually enjoys and embraces his feminine side.