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Smash Basics


1. Preface
2. What is the Smash Skill?
3. How to use the Smash Skill
4. Tips on Using the Smash Skill: Use Smash on Sneak Attacks!
5. Conclusion

1. Preface

When you ask those who fought wild animals to the brink of death, "How did you come out alive?", every one of them will say they used the Smash skill to do so.

When you ask warriors who manage to penetrate through the monster's defense, "How do you do it?", again they'll say: The Smash.

Finally, when you ask those who inflict significant damage on monsters with a single hit, "What's your secret?", their answer is the same.

A well-trained Smash is a deadly skill which could easily be regarded as one of the most powerful battle skills around.

2. What is the Smash Skill?

The Smash attack focuses a person's energy into one place and damages his or her opponent with one blow. When hit with the Smash attack, an opponent will suffer significant damage, and the impact from the attack will knock the enemy far back.
Even when an opponent is in Defense mode, the Smash attack will penetrade through the guard. In that sense, the Smash attack is a lethal weapon that can cause physical damage as well as psychological damage to your opponents.

3. How to use the Smash Skill

Either click on the Skills bar on the bottom menu or just press [S]. You should see the Smash skill in the Skills window.

Press the 'Use' button on the right, and you will instantly feel your body's energy centering in one place.
You will need a few moments for this process to complete. Once the icon above your head is fixed, you are ready to use the Smash attack. Even if your opponent is using the Defense skill, it will be useless against the Smash attack.

In addition, unlike the Defense skill, you can move around while you charge the Smash attack.
You can walk or run, or even cancel the skill by clicking on the Smash icon above your head.

4. Tips on Using the Smash Skill: Use Smash on Sneak Attacks!

The con's of using the Smash is that it's a slow skill. Therefore, when facing against an enemey with a quicker attack, regardless of its strength, the Smash attack will have the disadvantage.
So plan out the right moment where you can use the Smash skill while your opponent is caught off guard.
This will cause cause a significant damage to your enemy.

5. Conclusion

The Smash skill is not only powerful, but it's hard for opponents to recognize it, which makes it very effective. It has been reported many times that those who train this skill along with the Combat Mastery have knocked opponents out with one deadly blow.

However, this does not imply that the Smash skill is the one-and-only battle skill.
The Smash attack uses a lot of your stamina, so use it carefully or it might work against you.
Also, keep in mind that there are those who are highly skilled that can nullify or counter your Smash attack.