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The Nubes Meditation Technique

He who throws himself to the joys of pleasure
May conquer the wings of life,
But He who kisses the joys of the extraordinary
Will find himself living in the joys of eternity.

Meditation is the act of erasing all the white noise that occupies your mind. But because we have no other choice than to live our lives rooted in reality, it is not an easy task to truly experience the world of meditation.

Anyone that attempts meditation for the first time will find him/herself discouraged. The reason being that meditation is an act of throwing oneself into a world that exists in a different dimension. Our instinct is to refuse anything that is foreign or different. I think this is a primitive alarm clock that is built within us to protect us from danger, but it can, at times, become a trap that hinders us from growing.

I've been wanting to break awat from my existing frame of mind and explore meditation, which is the very thing that has brought me to Iria. And by training all alone, I was able to discover a number of precious knowledge regarding meditation.

Make an effor to empty your thoughts. And pay attention to the voice inside your head. At first, you may just be hearing the remnants of your everyday white noise. But as time passes, you will find your soul free and clear, and finding peace.

It is important to find a place where you will not be disturbed. This may be the single factor that has led me to Iria. In the vast land of Iria, there are still untouched lands that have yet to be discovered by man.

Don't gloss over the details. For example, you might have to eat less for your meditation. This can be beneficial for cleansing and/or relaxing your body.
Also, if necessary, put up a message on your messager as 'Not Available' or 'Busy'. Sit in a comfortable position, and do not wear any tight-fitting clothes. Wearing a comfortable robe may be appropriate.

Control your breathing. Slowly take in and let out deep breaths and focus on the flow of your breath. Air continuously circulates throughout our atmosphere, and the law of circulation applies to our bodies as well. Remember that unfortunate weather-related disasters start to occur whenever the balance of the atmosphere is ajar.

And finally, don't strive for perfection. Life can never be lived to perfection, nor is it necessary to do so.
Just as there are clouds that hang above the Nubes Mountains, and water flows through the Lutra River, so should nature be as is. You must learn to let things go.