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The Giant Stone Statue of Iria

The Giant Stone Statue of Iria
Two of the most prominent things you will see while traveling through Iria, are the various stacked pillars and giant stone statues.
A lot of the giant stone statues look very similar to each other. In fact, it is only after careful study that you would realize the differences.
The following are classificatory categories based on archaeological evidence to help you distinguish the various types.

Stone statues holding swords : Warrior
Stone statues with hands held in front : Dignitary
Stone statues with hands held in the back : Hero (King or other person of prominence)
Stone statues in 'attention' stance : Public servant or General Citizen

Stone Statue Distribution
Giant stone statues can be found throughout all of Iria.

The stone statues that I had personally discovered were found in groups within a particular area, but I hear that there are some that are found one by one in specific regions.